Comenius project

Dissemination and use of results


There will be a meeting in order to announce the project approval and to invite the other teachers to be involved in the project team in each partner school. The coordinator will prepare the work programme and disseminate to all partners.

Pupils, through the school council, or equivalent in each school, will be involved in the planning and evaluation of activities and experiences throughout the project.

Each partner school will hold regular [at least half termly] staff, and school council [children], meetings to plan, review and evaluate the project activities and aims.

School boards will be kept closely informed through meetings and reports.

Project's website will be used to hold information about and activities and materials of the project, which schools can use for dissemination.

The activities and ongoing results of the project will be embedded into the development and action plans of each school.

The products produced, will have lasting use to future pupils in our schools

In the local communities:

Each partner school will organise exhibitions and displays about the project for parents and members of the local communities. The activities and results of the project will be discussed at parent teacher meetings in each school.

Local media will be kept informed of activities of the project

The activities and results of the project will be shared with teachers and staff from other schools through teacher meetings and at teachers’ centres.

 In the wider lifelong learning community:

The activities and results of the project will also be shared with various head teacher and leadership groups across the countries involved.

The final project report will be available, both as hard copies and online, to be circulated to as wide an audience as possible. 

Local media will be kept informed of activities of the project, especially during Project Meetings

The products produced will be available to wide audience

Lasting friendships between children and staff in partner schools will be established.